API Error Handling with Result Pattern in C# .NET - Part 2

6 months ago

Mapping the Failure results of the Result Pattern approach to proper Minimal API result responses.

Source code: https://www.patreon.com/posts/mapping-to-api-c-96747909

00:00 Intro
00:40 Recap
01:50 Problem
02:20 Cleanup
03:40 Expanding Error
05:37 Map to API Error Results
08:50 Result Extensions
10:25 Outro

#dotnet8 #csharp #webapi #serilog #logging #monitoring #api #webdevelopment #fullstack #fullstacksoftwareengineering #backend #docker #azure #containerization #devops #cloud #microsoft #entityframework #identityframework #mssqlserver #mssql #cleanarchitecture #authentication #api #development #local #web #authorization #jwt #bearer #cqrs #mediatr #webapi #cors #http #stateless #webscraping #workers #migration #modular #monolith #verticalslicearchitecture #minimalapi #ratelimit #origin #host #dotnet

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