Fix your .NET 8 SDK version

5 months ago

The official .NET 8 has arrived! But I won't go there just yet. Instead I use a global.json to target my current SDK version to safely build & deploy with until the newest SDK is supported on Azure. It didn't go as planned...

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00:00 Intro
00:42 Global JSON
01:18 GitHub workflows
01:55 GitHub Actions
03:00 Breaking Blazor Bug
04:03 Outro

#dotnet8 #dotnet #csharp #azure #microsoft #webapi #serilog #logging #monitoring #api #webdevelopment #fullstack #fullstacksoftwareengineering #backend #docker #containerization #devops #cloud #entityframework #identityframework #mssqlserver #mssql #cleanarchitecture #authentication #development #local #web #fullstack #authorization #jwt #bearer #cqrs #mediatr #cors #http #stateless #webscraping #workers #migration
#development #blazor #wasm #pwa #progressivewebapps #webapp #webassembly #seo #rendering #client #render #server #prerendered #googlesearch #modular #monolith #verticalslicearchitecture #minimalapi

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