“Deep State Coup” – This Interview With Alex Jones Just Got Naomi Wolf Wiped Off X and YouTube

4 months ago

(Aug 14, 2024) From Naomi Wolf’s substack:

This is getting really tiresome.

Two days ago, I appeared on the “Alex Jones Show”. I explained to Mr Jones that to me it looked as if there were at least two coups underway at the White House — possibly three...

Half an hour after it aired, I received a notification when I tried to log into “X”, that I had violated copyright and had 48 hours to fill out a form, or else I would be suspended. I went through all of the ‘X Support’ prompts, finally to be told by ‘X Support’ that there was nothing I could do to re-gain my X account, with its 420,000 followers. Sorry.

Now, when I try to log into my account, “X” has no memory of me and no record of my email. People who can see my “X” account say that my face has been removed and my name, replaced by a blank head and shoulder icon, and that all my posts are posted by “dot”. As in “. posted on August 11, 2024.”

I also found that many of my platforms and devices were frozen or inaccessible. I was evicted off of YouTube again — without even the courtesy for a form notification. I also was unable to send emails; my phone froze, and my Mac slowed to a crawl.

Bottom line, this is about the last platform available to me on which to speak to the world. Once again I am too dangerous to “platform.”

Article by Naomi Wolf: "Banned Again": https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/banned-again?triedRedirect=true

Outspoken with Dr Naomi Wolf: https://naomiwolf.substack.com/

InfoWars: https://www.infowars.com/

Source: https://banned.video/watch?id=66ba6775288574c53ceb57cb

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