"From The River To The Sea" No Space For Jews on Holocaust Remembrance Day

2 months ago

On Holocaust Remembrance Day, SSI Columbia students set up a table on college campus honoring the lives of the 6 million Jews who died at the hands of the Nazis.

The memorial was quickly disrupted by a protest from Columbia’s anti-Israel students who brought speakerphones and chanted for the ethnic cleansing of Jews.

This is the second year in a row where they purposefully picked Holocaust Remembrance Day to advocate for the persecution and boycotting of Jews and the Jewish homeland. This is not unique to Columbia. In fact, many anti-Israel groups around the world often pick Jewish holidays, and specifically Holocaust Remembrance Day, to intimidate the Jewish & pro-Israel students on their campuses.

On a day where we remember, let us not forget that the Holocaust did not happen overnight and that the boycotting and targeting of Jews, especially by German Nazi students, was one of the earlier steps taken to ensure their goals.It was the students and youth who marched on Kristallnacht, smashing the stores, synagogues, and homes of the Jewish population. It was the students who burned all of the Jewish books in sight, while simultaneously incarcerating and murdering hundreds of Jews solely based on their ethnicity.

“Never Again does not mean it will happen again, it means we took the commitment to make sure it never happens again.” - Rudy Rochman

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