The Trouble with Robby Starbuck: A Better Way to Make Harley Great Again

6 months ago

Robby Starbuck wants to burn down Harley Davidson—the entire company—because of his justified Objections to DEI. However, Starbuck is being dishonest to his readers, and viewers to score political point he cannot, in the long run deliver. His political efforts are destructive to making America Great Again, and to cultivating real American ingenuity and capabilities to do. He misunderstands Motorcycle culture, and fabricates information to score political point. There has to be a better way, and there is.

Please see these people mentioned in the video:

Buddy Brown:
Sose the Ghost/Demons Row: @DemonsRow
Harley and the Davidsons movie from Discovery Channel
Be Blessed, and be unwoke: restore old beautiful things.

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