Omnipresent Comfort

6 months ago

We have the Omnipresent Comfort of God with us always and forever… How about that?!!! Take that into your thoughts and think on that for a while… muse on it… roll it over and over in your mind.

We have strong wills, and we think we are enough for the all of our everything. We try to fix everything in our life, it becomes all about us and what we can do. Now that is an understatement. Our wills are so bucked up because of pride that the comfort of God is walled out. How sad is that?

Why do we shut God out? He is the most incredible comfort we could ever know. He is a safe place of stability, hope that endures through all cultural chaos. The reality of truth is that we, human beings, in our human condition don’t want to admit that we are weak, we want to be strong, we don’t want look weak. We can handle it. We don’t need God. Hmmmmm crash and burn is next…

There are times where we are so underneath things because we have tried so hard to be strong that a feather could knock us off our feet. God is here, right now to infuse us with His strength. God maintains our strength daily, all we have to do is ask Him. We have the Armor of God, which was His Armor that He has gifted us with: Read Ephesians 6 for that truth!

Lord give us the courage to admit we need You, without that kind of courage to go agains the grain of the culture which says: We should be strong, our faith will be weak. We will wallow in our sorrows until they overtake us. Kind of sad isn’t it when the Omnipresent Comfort of God is always available to us.

Father God give us courage to call out to You, to say: I am weak Jesus, You are strong in me, Your Dunamis comfort, strong and mighty, strengthening, stabilizing. Strengthen us Jesus, comfort us with Your power that infuses our weakness and makes us strong in You.

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