Tim Walz - Chinese Trained Globalist Lackey and Home-Grown Anti-American Communist Infiltrator

6 months ago

Did you know Tim Walz is a Chinese Trained Globalist Lackey and Home-Grown Anti-American Communist Infiltrator? This Typical Nebraska Loser actively sought out and was recruited by various anti-American institutions when he was a young narcissistic, self-absorbed wannabe turncoat. This witless small-town nobody was “chosen’ by a sham “non-profit” formed by former “liberal” Harvard students in partnership with China’s Ministry of Public Security called World Teach. This fraud began his Communist training, in China, in 1989 under the guise of being one of the first Chinese government-sanctioned Americans to teach in that country. This fake continued to visit China over 30 times, since he began his official anti-American activities for foreign interests, and this freak even took his honeymoon in China. It's clear this Chinese Trained Globalist Lackey and Home-Grown Anti-American Communist Infiltrator is not working for America, at best, and is a traitor, in reality.

#timwalz #vicepresident #harriswalz #2024election #timwalzvvicepresident #runningmate #vicepresidenttimwalz #minnesota #minnesotagovernor #traitor #timwalztraitor #Chinese #Trained #Globalist #Lackey #HomeGrown #AntiAmerican #Communist #Infiltrator #nebraska #valentinenebraska #westpointnebraska #2024election #tytpicalnebraskaloser #votenebraska #nebraskavote #visitnebraska #wedontdcoast #givingtuesday402 #idiot #loser #phony #terrible #worstever #moron #cheap #trick #stupid #fraud #jokes #joke #scumbag #whitetrash

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