everything in the universe is made up of vibrational energy. ⁣⁣

5 months ago

☝ As we well know, everything in the universe is made up of vibrational energy. ⁣⁣
⚡ This vibrational energy is a huge part of who we are, and within this energy we emit a certain vibrational frequency that manifests our physical reality.⁣⁣
✅The fact is that we are always in alignment, but are you in alignment with what you do want rather than what you don’t want?⁣⁣
🧠💭 As you think about what it is that you do want and begin to feel an elevated emotion that matches that thought, how long are you able to hold it without being interrupted with a thought of lack?⁣⁣
🔑 This is the key 🔑⁣⁣
You start to put out the vibrational frequency to the universe of that which you desire and then you negate it, you change it, you block the order of the receivership of it.⁣⁣
☝Your follow through is important ✅⁣⁣
⚡ The energy that backs the desire is important⁣⁣
☝Your ability to receive is important ✅⁣⁣
📌 Remember;⁣⁣
The universe is limitless and we have the divine power within to create anything we desire.⁣⁣
🤔💭Are you ready to experience deeper transformation and empowerment in your life? ⁣⁣⁣⁣
🙋‍♀️Join Joanne Antoun's upcoming events.⁣⁣📅⁣⁣
From regular workshops to corporate speaking engagements, Joanne uses her intuitive abilities and personal experiences to create a captivating and personalized experience for her audience.⁣⁣⁣⁣
👉Whether you want to dive into the wonderful journey of Reiki through her upcoming Reiki I & II Training programs, connect with your inner strength and awaken the goddess within her I Am Woman or The Power Of You program or become a CTC therapist through her intensive training, Joanne has something for everyone.⁣⁣⁣⁣
With Joanne Antoun's events, you'll be able to evaluate and release limiting beliefs, unlocking your true potential while being guided by a kind-hearted expert. ⁣⁣⁣⁣
🤔💭So why wait? ⁣⁣⁣⁣
📩Contact Joanne for more details or head to the link to book your spot.⁣⁣⁣⁣
https://www.joanneantoun.com/events 💻🔗 ⁣⁣⁣⁣

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