Check Out How Disney's Scumbag Lawyers Tried To Get Widower's Allergy Death Lawsuit Tossed

6 months ago

Posted • August 14, 2024: We've seen some pretty questionable, and downright vile legal tactics. On one hand, we get it: that's what lawyers are paid to do. On the other hand, sometimes common sense and basic human decency should win out. This is a case where the latter applies. Disney is arguing that the arbitration clause of the TOS the decedent agreed to when signing up for a Disney+ free trial covers a wrongful death claim relating to food served at a Disney restaurant… Good luck with that. Talk about grasping at straws. According to Google, Disney+ has 153 million subscribers worldwide. To say they now have no standing to sue for something that happens at at Disney restaurant or theme park is really something. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Shame on You! Check Out How Disney's Scumbag Lawyers Tried to Get Widower's Allergy Death Lawsuit Tossed
Disney wants NYU doctor allergy death suit tossed because of widower’s Disney+ subscription

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