You Will Only Receive 1/2 as Much in Social Security Than You Work For! What???

5 months ago

That’s right, if you are expected to work until you’re 67 post 1960, and you live up to 90 years old. You will only receive 23 years of benefits. However, if you started paying into social security at the age of 18. You will have worked more 49 years. That means you will receive less than half the amount of time you worked. How does the math work out on that? There is something just not quite right about our social security system, retirement plan, or our economic and financial system.

Can someone please explain how the math works out? It feels like the house wins again.

So while you’re contemplating over your retirement option, check out Alset Community, an alternative to the current economic system. Let’s shift our culture from a C2B to a C2C. So we can keep the intrinsic value and wealth in our communities instead of funneling it back to big businesses.


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