FLUSH It, Like a Man.

7 months ago

FLUSH It, Like a Man.

This song and shorter rendition, plus commentary, is very politically charged. So hold on, while we flush it, out.

It's based on Political Satire, and some loosely gain facts, that shed light upon the political state of affairs, as well as so many other matters, in our once great country of Canada.

But it's also a depiction, of how the Eco Guards Organization, was treated for over the last 40+ years, by these political types. For they tried to highjack the Eco movements goals, but failed miserably. That's because they don't understand anything about our Eco System's. Nor, do they apparently want to learn, from those with practical experience, knowledge and cumulative proper actions, that could help them to understand, or truly comprehend, the balance approach that's required.

For we must all collectively collaborate within our Country, within our Laws, Rights and Freedoms, and work together, for all our futures. For it was never only about protecting our planet, it was about protecting humanity, and our planet at the same time. So that we, as well as future generations could enjoy meaningful lives, within our one and only planets biosphere.

Anyways, we hope you have a good laugh, and enjoy this WEAVINGS.

Here we go.

The opinions expressed in this video, are not those of the majority of Canadians.
At least not as far as we know. But they are those of many individuals within many segments of our society, whom have learned the truth. For they feel, that if certain Political Party's and Candidates are allowed to continue, that our forms of Democracy are beyond endangered. For those Politician's serve the interests of Foreign Powers, not those of their constituents. Whether they be those of other country's, or even those of a great deal of elitist, found within the ranks of the attendee's of the World Economic Forum.

Regardless, their penetrating influences, that they so love to tout as part of their achievements, stretches forth and far, throughout our lands, and can be found throughout many Bureaucratic Institutions. That said, it's truly time for Elections Canada, to put a stop to these types of practices. For if any potential or current Candidates names are found to be, in any part associated with those types of Foreign Groups, those representative should be forbidden from ever attaining any nomination within any of our Democratic Institutions.

Therefore, in order to truly represent, the Will of the People's of Canada. It's required, if not it's our duty, to vote in any election. And if it's known concerning these individuals, we should eject them from our places of law making. Moreover, if this is not achieved properly, then our democracy fails to live up to the expectations, of all our people's.

For we can no longer allow any political party's to attain overwhelming powers, with just under, or even much less than 50% of the overall votes. While being influence, with such destructive manners, towards our people's.

If you truly want political change in this country, then it's up to all of you, to Stand on Guard with Me, and bring out the voters. And that's regardless, of the vetted candidates anyone properly votes for, because that's what true democracy, is suppose to be about.

Created by; Ex-Politician, Jeffrey E McCluskey

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