Kursk attack HUGE! They will all DIE. WHO MonkeyPOX? Will you comply? Gender mutilation. GAZA.

1 month ago

The #Ukraine invasion of #Russia Kursk was much bigger than we thought. The #Russian MOD is reporting up to 15,000 troops and huge amounts of hardware. They have all been declared terrorist and will likely all die. NATO troops were reported in the ranks and also chemical weapons may have been used.

The #Gaza #GazaGenocide continues. More 2,000 pound #UnitedStates #Democrat bombs dropped. I believe Israel will NUKE #Iran after the (coming soon) missile attack.

Gender (mutilation) affirmation surgeries are becoming mainstream and supported by the medical community.

WHO wants to declare the next pandemic with MonkeyPOX. WILL YOU COMPLY? Who listens to WHO or the CDC anymore?

The deep state runs the US government no matter who you elect.

Illegal aliens being made US citizens at a record pace changing the demographics to all vote Democrat across the United States. Can anyone really unseat the deep state at this point as we have a dictatorship in the making?

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