The More You Know, The Less You Need

6 months ago

The More You Know, The Less You Need.

Think of foraging, trapping, and hunting…the more you know the less food you need to carry in the backcountry.

I think this applies somewhat to body armor…if you know how to make ambidextrous “optimal use of cover” the risk to your center of mass is significantly reduced.

In paintball, fully ambidextrous gunfighters are not typically hit in the body…almost wholly on the sliver of head and gun hand exposed.

Therefore, the more you know…ambidextrous “optimal use of cover, the less you need body armor such that the opportunity cost of body armor possibly becomes too high…the weight could be better spent carrying more ammo, a more complete IFAK, water, or just keeping the weight off for enhanced mobility, reduced fatigue, and lessened risk of heat related injury.

Same for optics vs irons.

As part of my ACOG vs Irons testing, shooting stage one of the KD AQT, 100 yards offhand, I shot identical 50/50 scores with the ACOG as I did with carry handle irons. However, I’m not there yet out beyond 200.

Practice more with iron sights such that I don't need a heavy, fragile, and costly optic. A fellow instructor from Laramie shoots irons way better than I do glass. Maybe I need to “need less” by knowing more.

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