The Kestrel: Close Up HD Footage (Falco tinnunculus)

1 month ago

Kestrels, known by their scientific name Falco tinnunculus, are brilliant little birds of prey. You'll often spot them hovering over fields, looking for their next meal. These clever birds have amazing eyesight - they can see ultraviolet light, which helps them track down small animals by following their wee trails.
Kestrels aren't too fussy about where they live. You might see them in cities, countryside, or even on the coast. They're quite small for birds of prey, about the size of a wood pigeon. The males are pretty easy to spot with their blue-grey heads and reddish-brown backs. Females are a bit bigger and have brown feathers all over.
These birds are proper smart when it comes to hunting. They've got a special way of flying called 'wind-hovering', where they stay still in the air by facing into the wind. This lets them scan the ground for tasty snacks like voles, mice, and insects.
Kestrels are found all over the UK, but sadly their numbers have been going down lately. We need to look after these brilliant birds to make sure they stick around.

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