Two Chinese spies plead guilty for bribing US tax officials

4 months ago

8/12/2024 Two CCP agents plead guilty in a US district court for bribing US tax officials to aid CCP’s transnational suppression campaign. The CCP’s large-scale transnational repression of its top enemy, Mr. Miles Guo, has exposed how astonishingly deep CCP espionage infiltration into the U.S. is. This is a matter of safety for both American and Chinese people!
#MilesGuo #NFSC #Chinese≠CCP #TakedowntheCCP #CCP #infiltration #espionage #transnationalrepression
8/12/2024 两名中共特工因贿赂美国税务官员以协助中共的跨国打压活动在美国地方法院认罪。中共对其头号敌人郭文贵先生进行的大规模跨国打压,暴露出中共间谍活动对美国的渗透之深是何其惊人。这涉及到美两国人民的安全问题!
#郭文贵 #新中国联邦 #中共不等于中国人 #消灭中共 #中共 #渗透 #间谍 #跨国打压

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