Let Them Keep Their Innocence

4 months ago

A one year old child is full of innocence and wonder. They love life and love to play and are never bored. They don't compare themselves to anyone, they don't try to please, they just are being, they know nothing else. As they grow older though, there are many forces, some well meaning, that squash their innocence and wonder. This has got to stop for the health of society. As adults we are still the same basic person we were as a child. Yes, we have to learn many things to be responsible in this world, but so many of us get away from being our true selves for many reasons, including being liked, not being criticized, pleasing our boss in a job we aren't designed for. It would be so great if we could keep the innocence we had as a one year old while we take care of the responsibilities of life, but we go to school and face peer pressure, have parents who put us into everything imaginable to try to help us get ahead, have parents and others criticize us for being ourselves, try to get us to conform with everyone else, even thinking it is strange to put our true selves forward in the world. Being our true selves offends so many. So what. This world would be a much better place if we stay in the nature that we had as a one year old and not cave to the world.

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