How we deduce the timeline of the biblical events prior to the Kingdom of God on 2033Sivan5

5 months ago

This is a video explanation of how to interpret and decode the bible as described in the webpage

Read the page and watch the video and email us if you have any questions

Most churches blind their flocks using the twin eye patches of Papal infallibility and Papal exclusivity. These doctrines falsely define church leaders as being the only channel for bible interpretation and dishonestly represent that interpretations from church leaders are never wrong.

The truth is of course the opposite. If your church does not admit its doctrinal moral and chronological mistakes, then it has no repentance (and therefore is not Christian), it is not being lead by the Holy Spirit and is not giving food at the proper time. But worse still, it has created a false template for a true church, which prevents you from seeing or joiing the true church.

The true church will chance its position on doctrine, on morality and on chronology on a reglar basis as it lead by Holy Spirit to new positions in these matters. The false church is dead and fossilised, relying of research conducted decades, centuries or millennia ago.

The true church empowers every singel church member, and those with faith outside the church to interpretat the bible for themselves. Not just read it. But intepret it. In fact the final Revelations, the great apocalypse of John, is a last minute CROWD SOURCED BIBLE INTERPRETATION EXTRAVAGANZA powered by the Holy Spirit in fulfilment of Joel 2 and Acts 2 wherein God says:

17 'And in the last days, God says, I shall pour out some of my spirit upon every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy and your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams;
18 and even upon my men slaves and upon my women slaves I will pour out some of my spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.
19 And I will give portents in heaven above and signs on earth below, blood and fire and smoke mist.
20 The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and epiphanaic day of Jehovah arrives. (Acts 2).

28 And after that it must occur that I shall pour out my spirit on every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will certainly prophesy. As for your old men, dreams they will dream. As for your young men, visions they will see. (NWT)
29 And even on the menservants and on the maidservants in those days I shall pour out my spirit. (NWT)
30 And I will give portents in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke. (NWT)
31 The sun itself will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah. (Joel 2 NWT).

In those days, everyone with faith will discover that they can be a better bible interpreter than the Pope. And the Dream of William Tyndale that every ploughboy shall know more than his priest, shall be fulfillled.

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