Oklahoma 2nd Amendment Association President Deceives & Misleads Public & Donors to Call OK Senate

6 months ago

On Thursday May 14, 2020, Don Spencer, President of the Oklahoma Second Amendment Association, made an impassioned plea to the public and his donors, using false and misleading language, imploring them to contact member of the Oklahoma State Senate.

His goal was to influence the OK Senate to hear various "gun bills" for a floor vote. Most of the Bills referenced in his "Action Alert" that accompanied his video plea had already passed in the OK House of Representatives. These bills, while promoted as being Pro-Gun and Pro-2A, were anything but. For the most part, these pieces of legislation actually allowed for greater legal infringement of our rights.

These bills would have provided for things such as making it illegal to carry guns on public streets or parks, destroying state preemption and allowing individual cities to establish their own gun free zones, allowing city employees to shoot people people or things with civil and criminal immunity, directing state agencies to aid & abet in people carrying guns in violation of federal law, forcing businesses into taking actions that are inconsistent with Title 37A (Oklahoma's Alcohol Laws), weakening permitless carry by adding more and more places where permits are required to carry and all the while screaming that "Republicans are the problem".

Thankfully, the OK State Senate acted as the "Responsible Adults" of the State Legislature and did NOT hear these terrible, liberty eroding pieces of legislation.

Below you will find the unedited text of his "Action Alert" followed by links to the text of the Bills referenced therein, as well as links to the current Oklahoma Self-Defense Act and the Oklahoma Open Carry Association, a more honest organization that condemns such actions and legislation that are contrary to moving the cause of Gun Rights in America forward.

ACTION ALERT!!! REPUBLICANS ARE THE PROBLEM AND ARE KILLING GUN BILLS..AGAIN!!! Anti Gun Groups are praising Republicans for doing so!!!

Calls to the REPUBLICAN Leadership who are killing these bills.

Speaker of the House Charles McCall at 405-557-7412. Floor Leader Jon Echols at 405-557-7354. Pro Tempore Greg Treat at 405-521-5632 Floor Leader Kim David 405-521-5590

These are the bills they are killing.

HB2336 Teacher carry. This has been requested and available to be heard since early March. It just needs one vote to be on the governors desk so school districts can choose how to protect students.

HB1081 Anti Red Flag Bill. This is the Floor Leader Jon Echols bill and he his killing his own bill. MDA will be thanking him for this.

SB959 Person with MC card can acquire and SDA License. This is the Floor Leader Jon Echols own bill. Persons who wish to acquire an SDA License will not be protected and will be denied

HB3010 Clean up language. It is currently Illegal to Open Carry a firearm in or out of a gun show in Tulsa and OKC. This has been requested multiply times with the senate floor leader. This was pointed out multiply times with legislation but the senate killed it.

HB1111 Expands rights for business owners for employees to protect themselves.

HB3165 Strengthens the Stand Your Ground Law. A ruling from the Criminal Court of Appeals 2 years ago requested the legislature to clear it up.

HB2547 Municipal employee carry with a SDA License. Language agreed to by the OK Municipal League.

Earlier this year Republican Senator Wayne Shaw killed 8 gun bills. It would appear he had the full support of senate leadership to do so.

Call Today and let them know our rights are important!!

Don Spencer
Oklahoma Second Amendment Association








The Oklahoma Self-Defense Act (Title 21):

The Oklahoma Open Carry Association:

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