Trump – The Greatest Vaccine Salesman of ALL Time

2 months ago

“I Guess in a Certain way, I’m the Father of the Vaccine because I’m the one who Pushed it, to get it done in Less than 9 Months was a Miracle.”

Indeed it was a miracle Donald. To convince the FDA to bypass testing and use the American people as guinea pigs was a miracle. Your buddies should be so proud of you and give you a nice pat on that f*ckin orange head of yours.

“Nothing has been achieved this quickly.”

“Fauci said it would take 3 to 5 years.”

“I got it done in 9 months and it was supposed to take anywhere from 5 to 12 years.”

Yes, Don, this is called TESTING for Safe & Efficacy and not just making up bullsh*t lies and saying it is Safe & Effective.

**Remember guys, this is coming from a guy who refused to EVER take a Flu Shot and now he is pushing something NON-TESTED to the Masses?

Come on people, wake up about this monster who is working for a criminal enterprise, he is NOT working for you or I.

“What we have done, in my opinion, would have taken 3, 4, 5 years”

What you DID Mr. Trump is make your Global Buddies and yourself – weren’t you invested in Moderna -- very, very wealthy in a very short amount of time and you killed people with experimental, untested mRNA being shot into their bodies.

“I pushed the FDA like they have never been pushed before.”

Yes, he pushed them to give the okay to use a drug that was untested and unsafe and to label it tested and safe. Yes, very well done Mr. President.

Do people believe that he took the shot like he said he did?

The guy that refused to ever take a vaccine before because he believed they put “bad things” in them?

***Trump -- “I've NEVER had a Flu Shot and I Don't get the Flu – I don’t like injecting BAD STUFF” --

Now all of a sudden is pro-vaccination and wants to take a brand new drug class that has NEVER been tested and they had no clue whether it was safe or effective?

No f*cking way he took that shot. No way.

Then you get Trump speaking his “Double Speak” – “I broke their ass, you know who doesn’t like me, the FDA, this is a very Bureaucratic organization.”

They LOVE Trump – the FDA and Big Pharma are really ONE big conglomerate – they both are dependent on each other to enrich and empower themselves. It may be just one big organization based on corruption and fraud.

They absolutely love him and they will back him for the second term big time.

Trump: “The Average Development Timeline for the vaccine, including clinical tests and manufacturing can take 8 to 12 years. Through Operation Warp Speed, we’re doing it in Less than 1 year.”

How did our Medical Field go with this sh*t?

They, out of all people should have know that this was untested and experimental, shouldn’t they?

Or are they truly that stupid?

Are they just trained to be programmed robots and take orders from their so called superiors?

If that is what they are, why can’t anyone be a general physician or pediatrician?

Why go to med school when all you have to do is follow orders?

Trump: “This is one of the greatest scientific accomplishments in history, it will save Millions of Lives and soon End the Pandemic Once and For All.”

Yes, one great “Scientific” accomplishment, that is double speak as there was NO f*cking science.

“It works incredibly well, 95% or maybe even more than that.”

What does he even mean when he says “it works incredibly well?”

Does that mean it is effective in preventing transmission or effective in getting the virus, or is he talking to his buddies about it “working” in other, nefarious ways?

Trump: “Unpainful, that vaccine shot is, so everybody go get your shot.”

Yes, get “your” shot. Do people even see the brainwashing going on here and the keywords to enter the subconscious?

Trump: “the vaccines are coming from the greatest companies in the world, the greatest labs in the world.”

The companies that will make his wealth explode exponentially.

Which Vaccine did Trump get? “Well, I got the Pfizer, I would have been very happy with any of them.”

Is that saying he was paid by Pfizer & invested in Moderna and would be very happy seeing them all succeed because if they succeed he succeeds.

Trump: “When they did the pause on Johnson & Johnson I thought that was a very stupid thing to do.”

Yes, Donald, when they see the people taking them and having heart attacks and keeling over it is very stupid to think that the vaccine could have anything to do with it.

Don’t believe what your eyes and ears tell you, just stick your hand in your deep pockets and feel all that cash.

Trump: “The Vaccine is one of the Greatest Achievements of Mankind” -- that’s what he says during presidency, but what about before and after? → ***Trump – What he said about Vaccines Before Presidency, During Presidency & After Presidency --

Trump: “I’ve saved millions and millions of lives throughout the world, we could have had another Spanish Flu” **Which was another “Military Operation” that comes with its own history of lies.

Trump: “I came up with 3 Vaccines, all are very, very good, I came up with 3 of them in less than 9 months, it was supposed to take 5 to 12 years.”

He is bragging about this?

How can’t people see that this guy is flat out saying, I allowed this mass poisoning to occur because I got the FDA to bypass safety and efficacy testing. I just don’t understand how his loyal followers / supporters don’t’ see this and they only hear what they want to hear.

Trump: “the results of the vaccine are very good” “people aren’t dying when they take the vaccine”

When Trump was questioned about people dying from the jab in Iowa:
“Everybody wanted a vaccine at that time and I was able to do something that nobody else could have done, getting it done very, very rapidly, but I was never for mandates, I thought the mandates were terrible, but there is a big portion of the country that thinks that was a great thing, you understand that, not a lot of the people in this room, but there is a big portion.

Who was “everybody”? His buddies?

Trump says “I was never for mandates” but we all see how he pushed this. He is a Big Pharma paid for shill a$$ puppet.

Trump: “When I was president, everybody wanted to get it, there was a rush to get it, you didn’t hear anything about mandates. AFTER I left, people don’t want to take it. It’s very interesting and I think it’s because people don’t trust Biden.”

Trump: “I would recommend it to a lot of people that don’t want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me frankly. It’s a great vaccine, it’s a safe vaccine and it’s something that works.”

No Trumptards – the vaccine he was recommending to the masses was NOT hydroxycholoroquine or ivermectin, that may be what he actually took, but it wasn’t what he was telling the masses. He is invested big time in Big Pharma. He makes HUGE, HUGE Bucks from Big Pharma.

One of his main men investing for him was Larry Fink. “He made me lot’s of money.” → Larry Fink – Trump’s “Go To Guy” for Economic Advice – Same Picks as Hillary Clinton --

Bill O’Reilly asked Trump – “Did you get the Booster?” Trump briefly hesitates – probably thinking, “Bill, why are you making me lie right now” -- then he said “YES.”

Bullsh*t he did. This coming from a guy who said he took Hydroxychloroquine and a guy who had NEVER before taken a Flu Vaccine and now wants to take an mRNA that he knows as he is very good friends with Bill Gates, that this will modify DNA.

That is why Trump invested early in Moderna – Modify DNA – he knew what was coming down the pipe.

Trump was asked by another guy after his presidency if he would get the booster? “If I felt it was necessary.”

People just don’t seem to care that he gives different answers to the same questions in different venues.

Trump was asked if he would demand that the vaccine companies release their data so everyone could see what they are seeing about the side effects of the vaccine – his reply: “well they should do that, they should be doing that, if they have facts they should be made public immediately.”

So he didn’t answer the question at all, he just said what they should do. Hell no, he doesn’t want us seeing the true data, he would be exposed himself.

Then Trump was asked “will you tell these vaccine companies that they must be honest about what has happened with this vaccine and do you believe we should be starting a new vaccine at this point?”

Answer: “they have to be honest with the numbers and the facts, if they are going to hold back, that means they are holding back something that’s not good”

Wait a minute – How can Trump say this sh*t when he pushed those vaccines as safe and effective and he himself hadn’t seen the data?

Bret Baier – “Does the Covid Vaccine Work?”

Trump: “That is such a great question”

He does NOT answer the question but goes to say “I got them done in 9 months and they were supposed to take 5 to 12 years.

Once again – that is the people don’t have to be the f*cking Guinea Pigs and he is bragging about this?

Here is the biggest bunch of bullsh*t in this video.

Trump says: “I didn’t do the mandates.”

Trump did absolutely NOTHING to stop the Mandates of Universities, Gov Employees, Military and all the other businesses that went along.

He did nothing.

He allowed his own government to go Rogue.

And people are asleep at the wheel thinking this guy will right the wrongs of the Biden Admin?

He will never be able to right the wrongs of his first admin, God help us all if they put this lunatic back in.

People seem to like Trump because he is different. He “acts” like he is Anti-Establishment. He is playing a ROLE. He is fooling all of his loyal supporters and followers who truly believe in a Republic.

He is the Deep State’s / Cabal’s very BEST Friend!

He is the greediest swamp creature of them all and that means he is always going to listen to the bidders who want him to do specific things.

Big Pharma is a HUGE Bidder in all of this.

Does anyone think for one second that Trump didn’t profit from Pfizer or Moderna?

This guy was born a big fish.

Big fish like eating little fish and that’s exactly what Trump did during Term #1 – Tripling the Wealth of the big fish

Trump said “The Best is yet to Come” in his first presidential campaigns.

Well, are we better? Did Trump set America up to be Great Again.

Don’t fall for all that MAGA bullsh*t either – it is not make America Great, it is the high priesthood of Satanism.

Trump is not a Christian, 100%, Period.

Trump – Did Trump Just Say “I’m NOT Christian?” --

Donald Trump - Converted to Illuminati Judaism in 2017 --

Donald Trump was given a ‘Torah Crown’ by the Israel Heritage Foundation July 10, 2023 --

Once you study the real Trump, the true history of Trump, going back to his real name in Germany – The Drumpf’s – you learn that this guy was a criminal from the get go, a natural born liar and a good one at that.

EXPOSING TRUMP: “The First Jewish President of the United States” & “Father of the Vaccines” --

If Trump was Anti-Cabal or Anti-Establishment he would never, ever be able to get a loan as they completely control the banks. They could also easily throw him in jail for all his criminal activity.

What you saw on TV was all a show, just a distraction so people would feel sympathy for poor ole Trump.

Trump is connected with the Big Jewish Banking Cabal. The Jews even call him their Messiah, their “King of Jerusalem.”

Donald J. TRUMP – “The King Of Jerusalem” – “The Eternal Light” 'The Moshiach” Or King Of Deception? --

Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner said wants to make Gaza land “Water Front Property.” Trump – Senior Foreign Advisor – Jared Kushner – “Gaza Could be a Valuable Waterfront Property” --

Trump is connected with the UN, WEF & World Bank – ***The Connection Between Trump, BlackRock, BlackStone, World Bank, the UN & the WEF --

Trump’s very own daughter, Ivanka is a Klaus Schwab Global Young Leader -- ***Global Young Leaders List– School of Klaus Schwab – “GRADUATE LIST” 1995 – 2022 – Charlie Robinson --

Would you not call Klaus Schwab, Larry Fink, and one of Trump’s best buds and neighbors, Bill Gates part of the “Deep State?”

Trump wasn’t just a great vaccine salesman, but he also did a splendid job of selling 5G to American’s during the Covid Lockdowns.

Trump – 5G is a Race we Must Win – “Operation Telecommunications Upgrade” --

This 5G Race, was really an Operation according to Dr. Ed Group, one of Trump’s Covid Task Force team members → ***Dr. Ed Group – Trump Covid Task Force - Behind the Scenes INFO – “Operation Telecommunications” --

The ONLY two things we should remember about Trump’s first term were the Covid Vaccinations and Trump CHOOSING Dr. Fauci to run the show and the 5G Rollout – which has nothing to do with speed or cell phones, but it is a military weapon to be used on the people.

It’s true, Trump was manipulating a military operation and they were Covid and 5G – both military ops – “this is your white hat operation.”

Donald Trump is not the savior of the world. He is the Conqueror.

Nostradamus predicted the 45th President would be the Antichrist.

He certainly has all the characteristics → ***Trump Exposed – The Antichrist? Dustin Nemos --

Source: Professional Noticer --


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END. 8/15/2024 – 6:00 PM

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