The Bravo Number Close

7 months ago

1st off, this is not the BEST number close out there, this was an attraction test build into a number close.

2nd If you want the BEST number close, then that is simple= you be awesome bring up a cool DHV date you think she will love, invite her, then get her number to handle logistics. Phone Game is not where you should try to build a connection, do your “selling” face to face.

This number close was developed out of necessity, I was hitting a sticking point and couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong. I was getting more phone numbers in a week than I had in my entire life, but less than half of them would respond when I would text or call. I wasn’t happy with those results and couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong.
Because of where I was at skill wise, I thought it had to be something I was doing wrong with my texts, or the fact that I was calling them instead of texting.

So I started experimenting around with the different phone tactics, not leaving voicemails, leaving voicemails with open loops, not texting, sending crazy/over the top text messages, texting them things that weren’t true- like saying I just saw their exact twin somewhere (I read that on a forum to do), calling from blocked numbers, calling them and only talking for a few mins, talking to them for hours, or texting them right after I got their number, nothing seemed to help!

Not only was all of that crap a ton of work, but it never felt congruent with me. If I wanted to talk to someone on the phone I talked to them, if I was too busy to talk, I texted. Using other guy’s tricks and lines, or texting things that weren’t true just felt slimey and I still wasn’t getting better.

Then something clicked in my head from countless other experiences in my life. Whether it was putting together some IKEA furniture, or rolling in BJJ. If you do all the little steps leading up to something correctly, the step you are struggling with should really just fall into your lap!

The reason I was having trouble with the girls on the phone wasn’t my phone game, it was everything I had done BEFORE I even tried to get them on the phone.

So to test this out, I stopped going for a woman’s phone number like I normally did and came up with an “attraction test” way of seeing if she would OFFER her number to me.

If a woman FREELY offers you her phone number= that’s a pretty good chance she is into you!!!

If you have to do all these sneaky moves and tricks to get her phone number= that just means you suck.

Having trouble getting a women’s numbers

I can help
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