Palestinian Protestor Hears Israeli Narrative

6 months ago

Outside of the 2020 AIPAC Policy Conference, a Palestinian protestor was vocally expressing rejection to Israel and its right to exist. In an effort to learn, grow, educate, and transcend the conflict, a discussion took place in order to find a more holistic truth and to establish common grounds.

Such conversations are extremely difficult to navigate since there is so much tension and passion surrounding this issue, but if those engaging in these protests or conversations truly care about the human lives on the ground, then we must make a conscious effort to engage respectfully, intellectually, and put all efforts in creating a reality that works for both peoples.

Unfortunately, more often than not, protestors on both sides tend to just regurgitate information that is non-factual (or irrelevant) and jump quickly through many topics for something to stick, rather than breaking down each one to find resolution. Although there were many points of disagreement, there were also many points found for which both sides agreed; points which have more to do with the future that unites the common goals of both peoples.

A part of this video talks about the history of the name “Palestine”. Regardless of the history behind this word, there is a group of people today called Palestinians and they must be included into the equation when finding resolution for the future of the land.

If the time invested in attacking each others' identities, experiences and aspirations, was salvaged and spent on building a future for all the inhabitants of the land, we would have already resolved the conflict and smashed the status quo. The conflict exists in our minds and is then translated to physical suffering on both sides. The solution must come from first healing our minds and hearts, and then building a civilization as one that works for all.

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Video Production: Leibman Productions

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