JUPITER SQUARE SATURN: The Future Squaring Off with the Past

6 months ago

On August 19, Jupiter at 18° Gemini forms an exact 90-degree angle with Saturn at 18° Pisces, the astrological aspect known as a square. The purpose of a square is to weigh down the gravitational pull of a situation, pressurizing it so instead of ignoring it, you take its gravity into your heart, soul, and especially body, in order to galvanize your inner forces like they wouldn't normally do unless unless so squared or challenged.

Jupiter carries the grand scheme of the reincarnation arc of your soul from life to life, the creative force within you to live the life of the soul and none other. Saturn holds the memories of where you've been, the archeological structures of past lives that your current life is built upon. When they square, your foundation and your future challenge you to dig your heels in rather than run away, to confront rather than avoid, to ignite your higher nature rather than succumb to fear and the false security of ego.

The strange changes of our time push you to bring the full brilliance of your inner nature out into the world, and so turn the balance away from conformity and toward individuation. When Jupiter squares Saturn the ground you stand on can become a sacred chamber of awakening. However gritty, confusing and problematic life gets now, something deep within you was prepared for this many lifetimes ago, and current drama can help you dig in and remember who you are.

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