Let Go Old Earth to New Earth The Crucible Stage

6 months ago

Important Messages from Archangel Metatron & Commander Ashtar
Discussing carrying the world's problems, and old earth energies, letting go of the pressure. Referencing the Greek God Atlas who carried the globe on his back.
Many reports of cranial issues, tension, aches, pain - seem to be centred around the Alta Major chakra point - (my earlier video on AM is below).
The kinked chakra system that needs re-alignment back to '12 o'clock setting' - is this mirroring titling shifting poles?

Looking at repeating patterns and not learning from them - the trick is to see them before they re-land and heal and deal with them:
Looking at repeating patterns in nature - Volcanos, Eruptions, Tidal Phenomena, Nuclear warnings
Taking back our power to help thwart and prevent blow outs including our emotional ones:
Using Nikola Tesla's 369 number magic (see my earlier video with Tesla below)
Archetypal energies of old earth versus new earth - and how we bridge the two.

Also looking at the collapse of the Ihuatzio pyramid in Mexico and its symbolic meaning for civilisation going forward.
Ending with guidance from Commander Ashtar and realignment back to our "strongest anchor and best antenna"

@AmandaEllis #Awakening #awakening #altamajor #archangelmetatron #ashtar

Urban Crow Oracle by MJ Cullinane, The Citadel Oracle by Fez Inkwright and Mystical Shaman Oracle,
Archangel Metatron Self Mastery Oracle by Amanda Ellis & Jane Delaford Taylor
Faith Over Feelings deck @thereckoningco

Healing and Connection Sprays:
Teal Alta Major Chakra

Aquamarine Throat Chakra Spray

Cosmos Elemental Spray to expand into the new

My earlier Alta Major Video - Aligning Merkaba points & Alta Major

My Nikola Tesla 369 Video:

To donate (thank you) https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/amandaellisthankyou

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Music Intro: - https://omegagon.bandcamp.com - my intro music is from his album Aether the track is called Two Worlds.

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