Delta's Chief Diversity Officer Wants More Inclusive Gate Announcements

6 months ago

Posted • August 14, 2024: It doesn't make us feel any better that we're paying off the student loans of people who majored in things that got them jobs as chief diversity officers. We've seen the incomes of university DEI staffers, of which some schools have more than a hundred, and some were making more than $400,000 to do whatever it is they do. Here's the chief diversity officer at Delta Airlines explaining what it is she and her team have been up to. They've been looking into communications (both written and verbal) and determining if they're being as inclusive as they can be. Think about it, when they say, "Ladies and gentlemen, your flight is now boarding." Is that truly inclusive? Much like the federal government, they need to scour all of their handbooks and employee manuals and make sure that gendered language isn't present.

Delta's DEI Chief Kyra Lynn Johnson: “We’re beginning to take a hard look at things like our gate announcements. You know ‘We welcome ladies and gentlemen’ and we’ve asked ourselves is that as gender inclusive as we want to be?” -- Is that as gender inclusive as we passengers want them to be? Yes, yes it is. -- The goal is to have transgender ideology -- a rejection of objective truth and of foundational elements of society as we know it -- pervade every facet of society, and the lie reinforced as often as possible. It's the same reason Walz puts tampons in young boys' bathrooms. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Delta’s Chief Diversity Officer Wants More Inclusive Gate Announcements
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