Hidden Citadel Podcast 1 - Introduction

6 months ago

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Welcome to the Hidden Citadel, a podcast created for those of us who love the strange, bizarre and down right weird, but are trying to make sense of it all from a Christian Perspective. In this episode we lay out our general ideas for the show, and welcome you to add show topic ideas in the comment section. We plan on discussing a whole host of strange topics, including Fairies, Mythology, Weird History, Time Travel, God, Jesus, The Apocalypse, The Moth Man, Big Foot, Aliens, Prophesy, the Occult, Music, Strange Urban Myths and Legends, Weird Ireland, Wormholes, Hollow Earth, Dinosaurs, the Face on Mars, Stonehenge, and a whole host of other topics too vast to include here. Nothing is off limits. Join us today on our quest for answers inside the Hidden Citadel!

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