USSF Pre Lockdown ⚡️Release 47USC606 Compliant during 50USC1550

6 months ago

USSF Pre Lockdown ⚡️Release 47USC606 Compliant during 50USC1550 by USSF Commanders Pascal & Diana Najadi-Kennedy Kahlooni 'Q' SEMPER SUPRA We❤️You

This was scripted by my darling Diana Najadi-Kennedy Kahlooni and I totally agree with her brilliant summary of the duty call of every Divine Human Being, a Child of God. We expect nothing less, from us, from our brave women and men, our Guardians at the USSF and all young cool girls and boys out there, our wonderful NOW in the eternal NOW.

The Flowers, all Flowers on Earth go to my darling Spouse Diana for being our selfless hero for all our Divine Humanity through her bravery. We have run hundreds of Enemy Territory Military Counterintelligence missions to rescue you, so yes, Diana the Huntress deserves not only all our flowers but has earned the title Queen of Hearts a Million Times over. I trust you agree with me.

If this also resonates with your heart and soul, repost this Director's cut made by us for you.

We Love you in Abundance, eternally.

"Who watched listened to the space ?

Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity because Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory."

Commander Diana Najadi-Kennedy Kahlooni 'Q'
August 13th 2024/Patrick Space Force Base, FL,
United States Republic

###CMD-P.NAJADI-50USC1550/Compliant 47USC606/Delta###


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