Tim Walz - Typical Nebraska Loser

6 months ago

Have you ever wondered what a Typical Nebraska Loser is like in real life? Probably not. But now, unfortunately, you will learn because a Typical Nebraska Loser is in the national spot light running as a vice prez candidate. Tim Walz is your Typical Nebraska Loser; a stupid, phony, and weird loud-mouth, know-it-all, child-like idiot. This Typical Nebraska Loser is aware that everyone knows he is a fraud but that does not stop him from lying and cheating to get ahead at other people’s expense. This Typical Nebraska Loser is all to common in Nebraska and, people like this, are one of the main reasons Nebraska is such an awful, nasty, and depressing place. Tim Walz was born and bread in Nebraska and, unfortunately, is an accurate representation of the Typical Nebraska Loser.

#timwalz #vicepresident #harriswalz #2024election #timwalzvvicepresident #runningmate #vicepresidenttimwalz #minnesota #minnesotagovernor #traitor #timwalztraitor #nebraska #valentinenebraska #westpointnebraska #2024election #typical $loser #tytpicalnebraskaloser #votenebraska #nebraskavote #visitnebraska #wedontdcoast #givingtuesday402 #idiot #loser #phony #terrible #worstever #moron #cheap #trick #stupid #fraud #jokes #joke #scumbag #whitetrash

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