Episode 68 D, Daniel 9

6 months ago

This is the concordance notes for Daniel 9.
I am doing this to raise funds for Ozark Hunger Relief (ozarkhunger dot com).
I am going to open an office in Prairie Grove, to serve as a food pantry.
It will is intended for children and the elderly, but all will be welcome.
I also want it to serve as a resource center to help raise the basic education and income level of Prairie Grove, AR. So, I have big plans, anyone who donates will be thanked in the office with plaques, posters, etc. on the wall(s).
Thank you!
God Bless You!
Pray the Lord's Prayer everyday please, Pray also "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who is, who was, and who is to come!"
Thank you for watching!

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