LSA - Nature's LSD Legal in the Netherlands

6 months ago

LSA, or Lysergic Acid Amide, Albert Hofmann was researching the medicinal properties of ergot fungus, which contains LSA. During this research, he synthesized LSD-25, a derivative of LSA, in 1938. LSD-25 was not initially recognized for its psychoactive properties until Hofmann's famous self-experiment in 1943.

In ancient times, ergot was known to have psychoactive effects when consumed, often mistakenly through contaminated grains. In some cultures, it was used in religious or shamanic rituals for its psychoactive properties.

In ancient times, LSA-containing seeds, such as those from the Morning Glory (Turbina corymbosa) and Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (Argyreia nervosa) plants, were traditionally used by various cultures for their psychoactive effects. In Mesoamerica, Morning Glory seeds were used in religious and shamanic rituals for their hallucinogenic properties. Similarly, in some South Asian cultures, Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds were used for their psychoactive effects in spiritual practices. However, the specific active compound, LSA, was not identified until the 20th century.

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