Wellness Testimonial for Glaucoma and Cataract

6 months ago

Listen to this wellness testimonial for glaucoma and cataract eye conditions.

HEALTH CONDITION: had skin cancer near right eye cut off. Later discovered glaucoma (pressure 42) in right eye. Right eye had bleeding blood vessels and cataract.

WELLNESS SOLUTION: LifeWave patches X39.

USER'S PERSONAL EXPERIENCES: Eye health improved. Vision improved (can see longer distances - sharper). Cataract and bleeding blood vessels improved. Also, has deep REM sleep.


DISCLAIMER: LifeWave patch testimonials and reviews are of a personal nature and all health and wellness benefits expressed are unique to each user. Although LifeWave patches benefit greatly in holistic well-being, LifeWave makes no guarantees for specific health and wellness conditions.


NB Vitality is an Independent LifeWave Brand Partner, helping others experience the amazing benefits of LifeWave's phototherapy patches ~ a non-invasive alternative wellness solution of the future.

Start living healthier without the use of harmful drugs or chemicals.


Visit: https://lifewave.com/NBVitality

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