Playthrough - [Touhou Scarlet Curiosity] part 17(Remilia playthrough end)

6 months ago

Steam page:

And that's a wrap! I must be feeling unwell lately, because I ACTUALLY finished a playthrough of a game in what feels like years now! Granted, this was only Remilia's playthrough and I still need to do Sakuya's story.

BUT, I'll save that for later so these recordings don't get stale for me and I just enjoy my time as I normally do. So for now onto a different touhou game on my backlog!

So once again, this time in text form:

I've decided my next games to play from my backlog of games. Both are Touhou of course. Because I am just a nerd for them!

-Touhou Double Focus (This project will just be casual recording where I most likely won't need to edit much or at all much like this one.)

(Side note: I remembered this game as Double Spoiler and called it as such. But upon looking back at the game in my steam backlog. It's ACTUALLY Touhou Double Focus. Goes to show you how crap my memory is at times!)


-Touhou Souzinengi V -The Genius of Sappheiros-
(Side note: This project, I picked since I KNOW, odds are it'll be good editing practice for me. Even if I all I am doing is shortening excess footage. So I'd say its a good place to start at my own casual pace and upload them when I DO finish the videos proper and I am satisfied with the result)

(Side side note: I've only ever played maybe like 20% of this game give or take? So I only remember SOME of it, and it will be largely blind mostly, unless I get SO BADLY stuck that I decide to finally peek at a guide on some fights. So while on one hand deciding on this game as one of my next projects is exciting, it also TERRIFIES ME how much extra brain work its gonna take!)

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