Vampire Bat Colony Revealed In Roof

6 years ago

Ever seen a lot of bats at once? Holy smokes. If that sight does not give you the willies, you better get your pulse checked, sir or madam. Not only are bats just plain creepy, they will come at you. And they’re a widespread carrier of rabies, as if you needed another reason to fear them. We here at AFV are not anti-bat or anything, we’re just advising our beloved audience out there to keep your distance. We’re calling for caution, not mass extinction, so to all the troublemakers out there: don’t @ us with any anti-bat accusations (you know who you are).

This wild scene starts when the roof of a barn is yanked off to reveal an entire colony of vampire bats (at least they LOOK like that varietal; don’t @ us, animal classification sticklers). There are easily upwards of twenty, which means it’s a good thing those farmers decided to make this repair when they did. They were on the verge of being overrun, if they weren’t there already.

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