Reign of al-Muqtafi 31th Caliph of Abbasid Caliphate | المقطفی کا دور حکومت

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Reign of al-Muqtafi 31th Caliph of Abbasid Caliphate.

Dekhti Aankhooon aur sountay kaanoon ko Asslamoalaikum, sisters, brothers friends and elders, In this islamic caliphs informative video, we are describing the reign of al-Muqtafi, the 31st Caliph of the Abbasid Caliphate. We are describing the historical context of his rule, the socio-political dynamics of the time, and the key events that shaped his leadership. This exploration highlights the importance of al-Muqtafi's contributions to the flourishing of Islamic civilization.

Al-Muqtafi was proclaimed caliph on 17 September 1136. He was able to use the infighting of the Seljuks to safeguard his own control over Baghdad, and even gradually extend his rule over much of Iraq.

In 1148, he successfully fought off a group of Seljuk generals who rebelled against Sultan Mas'ud and marched on Baghdad. According to some sources, a similar attempt followed in the next year, and was likewise defeated by the caliph's troops. Following the death of Mas'ud in October 1152, and the ensuing contest for the sultanate among the Seljuks, al-Muqtafi played an active role. In the months after Mas'ud's death, he seized Wasit and al-Hilla. In the Seljuk succession struggle, he supported Mas'ud's brother, Suleiman-Shah, against Mas'ud's nephew, Muhammad II, extracting from the former a pledge not to interfere in Iraq.

After Muhammad defeated Suleiman-Shah, however, the Seljuks marched on Baghdad and forced the caliph to take refuge in the eastern quarter, initiating the Seljuk siege of Baghdad of 1157. The siege was eventually abandoned as Muhammad faced the rebellion of Malik-Shah III in Hamadan, and over time al-Muqtafi restored good relations with Muhammad. During his last years, al-Muqtafi attacked Tikrit twice in vain, but captured the town of Lihf.

Awn al-Din ibn Hubayra was appointed as the vizier of the Caliph, a post he kept for sixteen years until his death on 27 March 1165, commonly attributed to poisoning through his physician, who was in the pay of his rivals.

During his caliphate, the Crusades were raging and Zengi, the atabeg of Mosul and founder of Zengid dynasty, obtained high distinction as a brave and generous warrior. At one time hard pressed, Zengi made urgent appeal for help to Baghdad. The sultan and the caliph dispatched 20,000 men in response. But in reality neither the Seljuks, nor the caliph, nor their emirs, had any enthusiasm for war against the Crusaders.

Al-Muqtafi is praised by contemporary Muslim historians as virtuous, capable and brave. During his caliphate of twenty-five years, he conducted many minor expeditions against enemies throughout Iraq and Syria.

A charter of protection granted by al-Muqtafi in 1139 to the Nestorian patriarch Abdisho III was published in 1926 by the Assyrian scholar Alphonse Mingana.

One of his wives was Fatimah Khatun, the daughter of Sultan Muhammad I Tapar and his wife Nistandar Jahan. They married in 1137. She died in September 1147. One of his concubines was Thawus, a Greek. She was the mother of Al-Mustanjid, who became his successor. Another concubine was Umm Abu Ali. She was the mother of his son Abu Ali. She wanted her own son to succeed and after her husband's death in 1160, She gained over many amirs to her side, and had their slave-girls armed with daggers to kill the new caliph. Al-Mustanjid discovered the plot and placed the rebel son and mother in prison.

One of his daughters was Zubaydah. She was the wife of sultan Ghiyath ad-Din Mas'ud. They married in 1140. Her dowry was one hundred thousand dinars. The wedding procession was delayed for five years because of her young age. However, the marriage was never consummated because of Masud's ultimate death in 1152. Another daughter was Kerman Khatun. She was wife of sultan Muhammad II. They married towards the end of 1158 or in early 1159. He was, however, unable to consummate the marriage owing to his illness. After his death, she married Arslan-Shah in November 1160.

Al-Muqtafi died on 12 March 1160 at the age 64. He was succeeded by his son Yusuf better known by his regnal name al-Mustanjid. He was born in 1124, and assumed the throne at the age of 36 after the death of his father al-Muqtafi.

So sisters brothers and friends tomorow we will be described Biography of al-Mustanjid billah 32th Caliph of Abbasid Caliphate. Allah Hafiz


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