Article 4965 Video - International Public Notice: Military Darkness Indeed By Anna Von Reitz

6 months ago

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Article 4965 Video - International Public Notice: Military Darkness Indeed - Tuesday, August 6, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

We have recently received correspondence from numerous parties concerning admissions of the facts concerning the nature of Donald Trump's "Presidency" of the United States of America, Inc -- a British Territorial Corporation, and alleging various authorities for the "military" based on the idea that "the military came first" and was active in 1775.

We have a number of observations and objections to relay concerning these public announcements.

First, we agree and know that Donald Trump is still "President" of the United States of America, Incorporated, also known as the USA, Inc. or otherwise indicated by the acronym USA.

As the USA is a foreign and private corporation, we have nothing to say, other than to note that this is the kind of corporate "presidency" Donald Trump holds, and that this does not imply that he or Joe Biden, who has similarly functioned as the "President" of a foreign corporation, is The President nor occupying the Presidential Office owed to the American Government and People.

One can be the "President" of a foreign corporation or the "President" of a domestic corporation, or, as in our case, President of an unincorporated domestic company.

Suffice it to say that Donald Trump and Joseph Biden have both functioned as the "Presidents" of foreign corporations named after The United States of America and The United States, respectively, and that these corporations have at least claimed or implied that they are the Successors to Contract inherited from two of our original Federal Government Subcontractors.

Those service contracts are The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States, respectively, though each of these "Presidents" have erroneously claimed to have the power to suspend their own service contracts and to have various empowerments never vouchsafed to their corporations.

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