Comments 216 and 217: Christian Skullduggery & Those Whom The Gods Wish To Destroy

5 months ago

Comment 216 is on the World Net Daily Website on INSTICATOR. This is difficult to believe, however it’s true. Two articles about Christian Skullduggery on the same day and both articles require the same comment. QUESTION: Is this report that students at Duke Divinity School, which is affiliated with the United Methodist Church, have held a "Pride" worship service to pray to the "Great Queer One", an example of FAKE CHRISTIANS and FAKE CHRISTIANITY or true Christians and true Christianity? Comment 217 is also on the World Net Daily Website on INSTICATOR. When you read as many articles from as many sources or watch as many videos as I do on a daily basis, you come away with an uneasy feeling that an old adage is true. Well...what's that? ANSWER: "Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad." Honestly, to anyone that reads this comment, have you ever seen such madness on such a scale?

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