UNDERCOVER: Planned Parenthood discussing "partial birth abortions" & sale of body parts πŸ«€πŸ‘ΆπŸΏπŸ₯©πŸ‘ΌπŸΎπŸ–πŸ€±πŸΎπŸšΌ

5 months ago

DEFINITION OF partial-birth abortion

(1) the term β€œpartial-birth abortion” means an abortion in which the person performing the abortionβ€” (A) deliberately and intentionally vaginally delivers a living fetus until, in the case of a head-first presentation, the entire fetal head is outside the body of the mother, or, in the case of breech presentation, any part of the fetal trunk past the navel is outside the body of the mother, for the purpose of performing an overt act that the person knows will kill the partially delivered living fetus; and (B) performs the overt act, other than completion of delivery, that kills the partially delivered living fetus


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