Women Who’ve Never Cared About Politics Are Voting Donald Trump

6 months ago

Women Who’ve Never Cared About Politics Are Voting Donald Trump | “People are always like, Maggie, you're a woman. How can you vote for Trump? Let me tell you why. Before 2020, I was apolitical. I did not care. I didn't pay attention to anything. Just being honest. I was living my best life doing van life, having fun. Then I moved back home to Washington during the pandemic. And do you wanna know what Democrats did to me?

- It took away my right to teach
- It took away my right to go to the gym
- It took away my right to go to restaurants
- I took away my right to go to movies

Um, this is not an exaggeration. I got upwards of a 1,000 death threats, maybe even more than that, from liberals, all because I didn't do that thing. I was living out in the country, minding my business, not harming anyone, being very respectful to everyone. And, uh, I was treated subhuman. Like, they dehumanized me so much.

So I will be voting for the party that values personal liberty and freedom and small government. The right is far more liberal now than the left. The left has become more authoritarian. Like, they're literally installing a presidential candidate right now. They're cheering on shooting their political opponents.

Like, a little fascist in my opinion. So Trump's not perfect, but he's a good leader. He has good policies. Um, so, yeah, Trump 2024.”


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