WEF & Nike Noor LLC & UN partner for the Global Weather Modification Alliance To Deploy nanotechnology/Smartdust

7 months ago

WHO is Nike Nour LLC? A fake group for the cabal! https://nikenoor.com/pages/contact
Nike Noor LLC wants to conducts Electromagnetic weather modification Experiments around the globe from 2023-2026 to “save the planet.”  
Document with names and numbers: https://library.oarcloud.noaa.gov/noaa_documents.lib/OAR/OWAQ/Weather_Modification_Project/FY24/Q3/2024COG-1.pdf
NOAA Library of weather modification (non-federal projects): 
United Nations Climate Change: https://unfccc.int/
RAINAID/AQUIESS: https://issuu.com/chemtrail/docs/rainaid_-_aquiess
The Dedicated Few: the planes with special tasks: https://www.nogeoingegneria.com/timeline/progetti/i-pochi-dedicati-gli-aerei-con-compiti-speciali/
Fund for Innovative Climate and Energy Research/FICER: https://keith.seas.harvard.edu/FICER

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