Reptiles are real

6 months ago

The illuminati ‘human’ bodies are only holographic veils that hide their true nature. They allow them to operate undetected within the realm of the visible electromagnetic light spectrum. They could either operate as a reptilian hologram or hide behind and apparently ‘human’ one, just as the sentient programs morph in and out of different human forms in the matrix movies. The holographic nature of reality explains how the illuminati Reptilians, and others, can shape shift utilizing this crystalline frequency holographic overlaying structure..
Almost every culture throughout the world has a similar story. Accounts of the Sumerians spoke of the interbreeding with a non-human race called the Anunnaki, and the hybrid children this produced. In South Africa they spoke of the same story of the Chitauri, ‘Children of the Serpent’. The Nagas in Asian culture were able to shape shift and take either human or reptilian form. These hybrid human-reptilian bloodlines became the ‘royal’ families of the ancient world and the idea of the ‘Devine Right to Rule’ was born. They claimed this ‘right’ for their genetic connections, linking them to the ‘gods’ and acted as hybrid middlemen or ‘demi-gods’. It was they who became the kings, queens and emperors..
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