The Jay: Close Up HD Footage (Garrulus glandarius)

6 months ago

The Jay is a colourful bird you might spot in UK woods. It's part of the crow family, but looks quite different with its pinkish-brown feathers and bright blue wing patch. Jays are about the size of a pigeon and make a loud, harsh call that sounds a bit like a screech.
These clever birds are known for hiding acorns and nuts to eat later. They can remember thousands of hiding spots! This helps trees grow, as some acorns get left behind and sprout into new oak trees.
Jays eat all sorts of things, like insects, small animals, and even eggs from other birds' nests. They're quite shy and will fly away if they spot you. But if you're quiet and patient, you might see one in a woodland or park.
In the UK, Jays are here all year round. They don't migrate like some other birds. Instead, they tough out the winter by relying on their stored food and finding whatever else they can.

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