Acts 2:5-13, Then They Were All Amazed and Marveled

6 months ago

Many of the Jews who had traveled from all over the known world for that first Pentecost following Jesus’ resurrection witnessed God’s miraculous imparting of foreign tongues to His disciples. As they heard the disciples speak in their own languages, “…they were all amazed and marveled” (Acts 2:7 NKJV). What happened that day that enabled Jesus’ followers to speak in languages they had not learned? Why did God use this specific demonstration of His power on that Pentecost Sunday? Is speaking in tongues a spiritual gift for today? Is speaking in tongues a requirement of all true Christians? Drawing from other Scriptures and his personal experiences, Pastor Kevin answers these and other questions about speaking in tongues, bringing biblical clarity to an issue that has long been a source of confusion and division in the church. As we ponder the miraculous role God’s Holy Spirit has in our lives and His desire to empower us to be His witnesses, we are reminded that all genuine work of the Spirit glorifies Jesus and points us to His Word.
Associated notes, links, and the uncensored audio file are at under Sermon Archives, Acts,

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