Filmmaker MATS GRORUD from the GAZA FLOTILLA (FULL Podcast)

6 months ago

Catherine Watters of The Family Industrial Complex podcast on Revolution.Radio Studio B Wednesdays 4-6pm ET AND Thursdays 7-9pm ET on showing the parallels btwn Palestinian GENOCIDE and the Child Abuse I studied, was gaslit for speaking Truth about for 5 decades.
Just returned from participating in a leg on the GAZA FLOTILLA from Spain to France. On the boat with me was Norwegian born activist and filmmaker MATS GRORUD who showed his film, THE TOWER, while in Martigues, France.,vid:nGQGrqLbtgE,st:0

Beirut, Lebanon, Today. Wardi lives with her whole family in the refugee camp where she was born. When her great-grandfather, Sidi, gives her the key to his old house, she fears he may have lost hope of someday going home.ïssa-Maïga/dp/B08PCC7YD8

In the 2nd hour I show the parallel btwn the Palestinian Genocide cycle and the child abuse, abusive "family", the abuse cycle in "Families" and Abusers in "power" have impunity and the child victim is left with the pollution and health crippling.

Codepink video

Chris Hedges: The Cycle of Trauma and Violence in Israel/Palestine

Freedom Flotilla site

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