Copy cat Kamala

1 month ago

COPYCAT KAMALA: Same Script, Different Day!

Isn’t it wild how #CopyCatKamala’s administration rolled out a new enforcement program JUST LAST YEAR to collect more taxes on tips?

Yeah, the same tips that hardworking Americans rely on to get by!

She could stop it now… but she won’t, because she’s a dishonest fraud!

The Dems hate Trump, but they sure love to steal his ideas and pass them off as their own.


At a Las Vegas rally, Kamala Harris made an announcement that felt eerily familiar—because it was!

Trump proposed the exact same policy at a rally in Vegas just two months ago.


I think not.

Nevada, home to one of the highest concentrations of tipped workers, loved Trump's plan.

But now, Kamala’s taking it and pretending it’s her own.

But wait… there’s more!

Ever wonder why Kamala’s campaign website is as empty as her policy agenda?

Instead of details on how she plans to run the country, it’s just another money-grabbing tool for the Democrats. Yard signs, hats, donations… but no real substance.

No plan for the economy, no concrete policies—just a lot of noise and no action.

How convenient!

She can say whatever she wants, promise the moon, and never be held accountable because, well… there’s nothing there to begin with!

👀 Remember, folks:

Actions speak louder than words, and in Kamala’s case, both are missing!

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