Aquarius Full Moon - Healing Energy Update, August 2024

6 months ago

Aquarius Full Moon is happening on August 19/20, 2024 at 27 degrees of Aquarius. This healing energy update uses Astrology, Human Design and Gene Keys to interpret how this full moon in Aquarius may impact you.

In addition to these energetic principles, elements of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry are used to explain how this August Aquarius full moon could affect your body and mind, including:

- connective tissues
- vagina
- prostate
- pelvic health
- gut health, including IBS and leaky gut syndrome
- tiredness
- energy levels
+ more.

0:00 Aquarius Full Moon Astrology and Human Design placements
0:57 About Clare Zivanovic, ND
1:28 Aquarius Full Moon themes
2:37 Karmic connections
3:20 3-Line energy
4:40 Tiredness, Pelvic health, Vagina, Prostate
5:29 Listen to your emotions
6:29 Bloating, IBS, Leaky Gut Syndrome
7:46 Leadership and Influence
8:50 Shopping as therapy
9:20 Emotional Advice - Aquarius Full Moon
12:30 Dietary Advice - Aquarius Full Moon
13:30 Recommended Crystal

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⭐️ About Me
Hi, I'm Clare Zivanovic and I'm a qualified Naturopath and Human Design Analyst who’s been part of the health industry since 1999.

My specialty is helping you (re)connect with your authenticity and personal style of medicine. This helps you transform your challenges into opportunities for healing, growth and empowerment, by design.

All of my offerings combine varying degrees of my human design and natural medicine, sprinkled with intuitive messages that want to be delivered through me, to you. The result is a prescription that whispers healing messages from your higher self, directly to your body’s cells.

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