Hillary Executed Since 2018-Cabal is Global- Long History of Voter Fraud and more...

6 months ago

NOTE: Like or hate Phil, he does have intel and information. I myself have followed this war for a long time and know much of what he tells is fact. Older patriots, know most of what he states long ago, new patriots are just learning and this goes so much deeper, and detailed that could never be even on a 5 hour podcast. What these elites have done, I know for fact much of it, and there is much more. It would put the average person in a mental hospital because it would be too much too fast. Many patriots have been following this for 8 years or more, so we got slow exposure. So, yes, when you hear, there is no mercy, believe me I do not want to watch a hanging but I do not have mercy for them when you learn most of the truth. Yes, Voter Fraud has been going on for many decades. It is exposing time, it is under control for you to see it, learn it and feel the pain otherwise you will never learn. Posting some intel from Phil is NOT here so you can voice your emotional feelings about a person, it is learning facts from all sources so you can make a better choice, more knowledge, connect the dots.

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