dehumanization of humanity

1 month ago

The first stage of the planned genocide is the aforementioned dehumanization. The process and all its stages can be clearly observed on the example of the Holocaust. After the Nazis came to power, they began the first phase, the propaganda that Jews are not human and that they are a threat to society. Cartoons and articles demonizing Jews began to appear. The myth of a global Jewish conspiracy was actively promoted. Gradually, the people, the German population, became convinced that the Jews were indeed a threat to them and their children. Similarly, anti-cultists are currently attacking various religious groups, branding future victims as sectarians through information terrorism. This tactic instills the idea in society that a sectarian is the equivalent of less than human. Now I want to draw your attention to one more fact. Propaganda, like terrorism, works in two directions simultaneously. One direction is planned activity directed towards a potential target, and the other is action directed towards everyone else, the general public, that is, witnesses to the crime that is being committed. Because to carry out such an operation as the Nazis did at that time, and as the anti-cultists are doing now, you need the approval of society, if not active support, then at least silent agreement and non-resistance. And for that, they must first convince people that those whom the anti-cultists have chosen as their targets are dangerous to society and represent a potential threat. The public is first intimidated, lulled to sleep, and then tricked onto the anti-cultist side, making them complicit in the crime. Then, during the Holocaust, the German people became complicit in the genocide of the Jewish people. Now, accomplices in the crimes of anti-cultism are the people of Russia and those countries where anti-cultists are allowed to operate freely, where they still feel impunity and unchecked power, just as the Nazis once marked Jews with yellow stars. Anti-cultists now brand dissenters with the cultist label, which in their interpretation means a target that can and should be destroyed. And note, those who marked the Jews with yellow stars may not have personally killed anyone, but they are inciting violence among others. This is exactly what the anti-cultists are doing now, opening the hunt for individuals and organizations they deem undesirable. Through covert manipulations, they encourage everyone else to commit violence, while they themselves remain on the sidelines. This first phase of potential genocide became possible as soon as the anti-cult movement emerged, branding ordinary people simply for what they believed. As soon as the labels of cultists and totalitarian sects appeared, this stage has already been reached in modern society.#GlobalAnticultism#Cult

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