Ghost Caught Red-Handed ‘Haunting’ A Garage

6 years ago

After installing a new camera in the garage, these people began receiving strange alerts. People talking and motion detected in a room that stands in solitude. Please be very aware of the music playing, it is beyond creepy!

There are a lot of things that we can not explain to ourselves. We are drifting in a place that is just not close enough to reach the explanation about exactly how we came to be as species, about us after we cease to exist in this form, about other lives in the Universe and on our planet. Sometimes we just can’t stop and wonder that maybe there is something out there living with us.

Reportedly, the garage is detached from the house and sits alone at the back of family’s property. Regardless whether you believe or don’t believe in the supernatural, do you have any explanations for the old music playing or the image captured at the end of the footage?

A family set up a security camera in their garage to protect from burglars and keep them safe, however what they discovered is pretty chilling. The CCTV security camera was able to capture a ghost-like figure floating in the room, before vanishing into thin air.

This is quite chilling, whether you believe it or not, this video definitely makes you take a double look in order to define what the unidentified floating object is. CCTV footage was able to capture crazy footage of what looks to be a ghost of a child roaming the garage room. The figure is roaming in the room, back and forth slowly, until it eventually runs off. The unusual figure appears to look like a ghost, but we can never know for sure. Is the camera tricking our eyes or is the spooky figure actually there? Is this garage haunted?

If you believe in ghosts, you are not alone! Many people do. It is all based on your own opinions and beliefs. Ghosts have become quite popular in books, movies and shows. They are used for a lot of entertainment purposes. It is very hard to evaluate ghosts, there is a wide variety of phenomena involving ghosts. Ghosts are a hard topic to explain. It is is hard to convince someone they are real. Take a good look at this video, what do you think it is?

Cold spots, creaking sounds and spooky figures, whether or not the paranormal realm exists is an issue that has been debated for centuries. However, in a world filled with science and reason, these ‘hauntings’ can often be boiled down to simple explanations and it has nothing to do with the supernatural. Apparitions, cold spots and ghostly touches can be caused by man-made magnetic fields, experts suggest.

In another video, a secondary school in Cork, Ireland, has reportedly received an uninvited guest from beyond the grave. Watch as the light appears to be flickering from behind a closed door, although it’s source is not clear. Events start to escalate rapidly when a heavy set of lockers begins rocking back and forth violently – a single locker door swings open forcefully, spewing books and papers all across the floor. The footage ends with a wet floor sign being knocked over aggressively, as if it’s been kicked. Could this be the spirit of a mischievous pupil, wanting to cause teachers further irritation from the afterlife?

After watching these videos of paranormal activities caught on camera, what do you think? Do you believe this is real or do you believe it is fake? Let us know in the comments below. What would do if you were in this situation?

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