Different, But Able Just The Same  OLD

6 months ago

Howdy everyone, it’s Blake! Weather in or out, everybody has a disability. Some more visible than others.  People have different ways of doing things, and people know what they can do, not governments or organizations or charities. People and their families  need to pray to God and determine what is best for that person. Everybody is different, and every family is different, and they need to determine, with God’s help, what is best in the situation that they are in. Nuro plasticity helps me very much, it is a gift from God, and people have different ways of doing things. Some people may do things by sight, while others, by hearing, smell, taste, touch, or other special senses given by God.  People have so many different ways of doing things, and everybody is different. Don’t think that because someone cannot see that they cannot do something, they and God know far better what they can do, then, the government, organizations, and charities.  people with disabilities are just as able, we just need to do things differently. 

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