Release Athens 2024 MASSIVE ATTACK

6 months ago

The Palestinian Genocide is part of the so-called US Alliance War on Terror that in horrible reality is a cowardly, racist US Alliance and racist Zionist War on Women and Children and a War on Palestinian, Iraqi, Lebanese, Syrian, Somali, Iraqi, Iranian, Afghan, Pakistani, Arab, Muslim, Asian and non-European Women and Children!

Gen Mosche Dayan: Israel must invent dangers, and to do this it must adapt the strategy of provocation and revenge.

David Ben Gurion (PM of Israel 1949-1954, 1955-1963) Letters to his son (1937): We will expel the Arabs and take their place. In each attack a decisive blow should be struck resulting in the destruction of homes and the expulsion of the population.

Israel’s ruthless policy of holding Palestinian prisoners arrested in the Occupied Palestinian Territories in prisons inside Israel are a flagrant violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

...inside Israel's prisons the Palestinians endure all forms of physical, psychological and verbal torture from the time of their detention until the time of their release...

...children, youths, the elderly and women are all treated just as badly. Moreover, women are also subjected to "sexual violence" amounting to torture.

Israel's systematic torture of Palestinian prisoners has left many with chronic diseases, permanent disabilities and ongoing psychological and physical pain. Dozens have been killed while tortured.

Israeli forces continued to subject Palestinian detainees to torture and other ill-treatment.

These heinous crimes violate all international conventions and laws.

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