Saturday Studies The Davidic Covenant 8-17-2024

6 months ago

The Davidic Covenant is an "unconditional" covenant that will be forever. We look at three passages supporting the Davidic Covenant: 2nd Samuel 7, 1st Chronicles 17, and Psalm 89.
The importance of the Davidic Covenant to us in our day is that it calls for the Messiah, a direct descendant of David, to sit on the throne of David forever. That means that Israel will again become the head of nations, at least during the Kingdom Age for 1000 years.
The last eight chapters of the book of Ezekiel tell about nations of the earth sending representatives to Jerusalem at various times of the year to worship the King.
Therefore, those in our day who believe that God is finished with the nation of Israel, and especially that the church has replaced Israel are in direct opposition to the Davidic Covenant.

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